Basically the gist was that it was an artist friend on the spectrum who helped put me on the right path. I always knew something was up. I was a high achiever and tested well, so the narrative I was given was that I couldn't concentrate because I was "just bored" and that I would do well if only I "applied myself." My friend and I had si…
Basically the gist was that it was an artist friend on the spectrum who helped put me on the right path. I always knew something was up. I was a high achiever and tested well, so the narrative I was given was that I couldn't concentrate because I was "just bored" and that I would do well if only I "applied myself." My friend and I had similar symptoms, and I always wondered if I might be a little on the spectrum (due to stereotypes I didn't understand), but it quickly became clear I was dealing with a different form of executive dysfunction.
I grew up feeling like a study in contrasts because I excelled in a lot of visible areas, meanwhile I was constantly trying to hide my areas of impairment...the parts of my life that were complete dumpster fires. Getting diagnosed and getting therapy has really helped me do something about the fires, but it's a work in progress.
Also, I absolutely devour audiobooks, and I read anything non-fiction at 2x speed or greater. Videos, too. 😂
Thanks so much for sharing your story Jennifer! It's interesting how often it's another person rather than ourselves who notices the important stuff. I feel like especially in a young age some of our behaviours are misinterpreted or ignored, while they should be properly noticed and given support. And therapy should absolutely be as avaiable to everyone as a gp..
You remind me a lot of my husband who won't touch a physical book, cause he gets distracted by reading but will listen to an audiobook at twice the normal speed as well...while I need to listen to everything twice with my eyes closed and, if I could, I'd put subtitles to everyone I talk to 🙈
Haha yep. I was an avid (book) reader as a kid, but now there are too many distractions. I just want to download the information or story directly to my brain while I do other stuff. The downside is that I probably don't retain information as well. I sometimes forget if I've already read a book and have to check digital receipts from the library. 😂
Basically the gist was that it was an artist friend on the spectrum who helped put me on the right path. I always knew something was up. I was a high achiever and tested well, so the narrative I was given was that I couldn't concentrate because I was "just bored" and that I would do well if only I "applied myself." My friend and I had similar symptoms, and I always wondered if I might be a little on the spectrum (due to stereotypes I didn't understand), but it quickly became clear I was dealing with a different form of executive dysfunction.
I grew up feeling like a study in contrasts because I excelled in a lot of visible areas, meanwhile I was constantly trying to hide my areas of impairment...the parts of my life that were complete dumpster fires. Getting diagnosed and getting therapy has really helped me do something about the fires, but it's a work in progress.
Also, I absolutely devour audiobooks, and I read anything non-fiction at 2x speed or greater. Videos, too. 😂
Thanks so much for sharing your story Jennifer! It's interesting how often it's another person rather than ourselves who notices the important stuff. I feel like especially in a young age some of our behaviours are misinterpreted or ignored, while they should be properly noticed and given support. And therapy should absolutely be as avaiable to everyone as a gp..
You remind me a lot of my husband who won't touch a physical book, cause he gets distracted by reading but will listen to an audiobook at twice the normal speed as well...while I need to listen to everything twice with my eyes closed and, if I could, I'd put subtitles to everyone I talk to 🙈
Haha yep. I was an avid (book) reader as a kid, but now there are too many distractions. I just want to download the information or story directly to my brain while I do other stuff. The downside is that I probably don't retain information as well. I sometimes forget if I've already read a book and have to check digital receipts from the library. 😂
I forget what I read about the second I close the book, we could open a Bad Memory Club and put Dory in our logo :D
And then forget to attend the meetings!